Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Page Turns and Call Sheets

Each night the Production Secretary, Hope Marbut, sends out a "call sheet." The sheets lists every crew position title, crew member name, and the time he or she is expected to arrive. Today's sheet lists 77 crew members, and that doesn't include every position. Some crew are not expected, some are on call, but many are listed to arrive at 8 am today for the "page turn."

Just like it sounds, the crew will sit around a large table reading through the entire script. While they do read scene by scene, the dialogue isn't their focus. The crew is concerned with scene descriptions. Those few words setting the scene, and the director's vision, will help each department know exactly where, when, and how they're needed. Basically, they're making sure they are all on the same page.

Bad pun aside, this might be the place to link to a pair of film term glossaries:, and

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